Saturday, September 26, 2009

Beginnings and Endings

A very sad day yesterday. Sporting Chance, the first really good horse I ever rode and one I had ridden and then helped care for for 21 years, was put down yesterday. She coliced and wasn't recovering and her owner bravely and wisely made the right decison for her.

Sporting Chance (known in the barn as "BS" since she had raced under the name "Bold and Sensitive") had foundered a little more than 2 years ago. She had already been retired from riding and recovered so that she was completely comfortable and able to enjoy retirement. Either her owner, Leslie, or I would visit her almost every day to groom, hand graze, feed treats and generally fuss over her. She would see either car coming up the driveway and trot across her paddock to nicker and greet us. Always made me feel as if I was the person she most wanted to see in the world. Little did she know I realized she did the same for Leslie. Her success as an adult hunter, even when I showed her, was remakable. Her talent and ring presence overcame her rider's lack of skill. She was truly a diva, always enjoying the shows. Practice at home--not so much. She will be missed by many people.

That was one ending part of yesterday. Another was the 2009 Mass Medal Finals for the adults. Three adults from my barn rode and represented the barn very credibly, with one getting a second place in the open class, another receiving a very high score and the third having great trips, too. I'll have to ask the riders if the course seemed easier this year than last. Seemed to be, but it always looks easier when I'm not riding.

So today we are all back on equal footing trying to qualify for next year. Am hoping to be able to start taking lessons again this week--ribs are better. Hoping to not have to wait til August this year to try to qualify!

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